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2023 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

Proficient Reading:



Distinguished Reading:



Proficient Math:



Distinguished Math:



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How eOS works

How does eOS work? Students earn all their points at the start of class and lose points by not meeting behavioral expectations. The following six (6) elements are our expectations (be on time, use technology appropriately, appropriate language, stay on task, appropriate classroom behavior, prepared for class).This eOS score will help students consistently demonstrate what they should know, understand, and/or can do (related to employability) in the areas of dependability, communication, and technology to themselves and their families. At the end of each week, they will be awarded a Dress-Down Friday for meeting their eOS percentage. They can also purchase items at our Spartan Store every other week with e-Bucks. E-Bucks are given for Showing Pride, Supporting Others, and Meeting Expectations.

Common Examples: Late to class = loss of dependability point, Using phone in class = loss of technology point, Helping pick up after class = E-Buck for Helping others.

SMS Schoolwide Expectations